Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still waiting

We are still waiting for the divorces. We can start calling the courthouse today for Ron's and mine...well that's going to take a bit longer.

The closing is next Friday and I just want all this to be over with.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not one thing it's another

We are in the process of buying a new house. I call it the house from hell at this point. We have only been trying to buy it since November! It's a beautiful house with lots of potential and I have ideas for it coming out the wazoo! If only we could get in it.

Things were going so smoothly at first. The bank gave us a guarantee letter. The other bank accepted our bid (it's a foreclosure). The paperwork was going along fine and then WHAM! the ball got dropped and the door is slowly closing on us.

We ordered the house inspection and despite the fact that it has Kitec pipes in the house, everything else is fine. If you don't know Kitec plumbing be glad because there is a huge class action lawsuit now and it's not a matter of if your plumbing will fail but when! Knowing this we still want the house. We will replace the plumbing once we move in.


After paying for the home inspection and the transfer of ownership for the home owner's association, the VA came back and told us we needed an appraisal and that was going to cost money - so we paid. Both banks set a closing date of December 22nd and we waited for the VA to inspect the house.

December 22nd came and went and we were nowhere near closing because our bank was waiting for the appraisal. The date was moved to the 15th of January. No one noticed it was Martin Luther King Day so they moved it up to the 12th. We were told the only thing needed was the appraisal and that the VA was dragging their feet.

It turns out the VA went to the house, appraised and sent the paperwork to our bank. The problem now - no one bothered to turn on the water, electricity or gas on so the appraisal was worthless! Even without those things we were able to get an appraisal for more than we are paying for it.

So 11th hour....January 14th and we are told that because Ron is not divorced yet from his 1st wife, he needs to add her DEBT to his....not her income....ONLY her debt to the mix. We could not understand why the universal Quit Claim that was signed when they separated was not valid. It turns out that Nevada is a community property state and they feel without a divorce she could come back and get the house down the road during the divorce.

So now Ron's debt to income ratio (which includes her and her spendthrift ways) are over the amount allowed by the VA so we are told the day before closing that we need to come up with $15,000 in order to get the house.

The damn underwriter had dropped the ball and never bothered to look into any of this stuff back in November when we started the process! The underwriter put us on the back burner completely and forgot us. We didn't know about the community property, the appraisal, the extra debt, nothing! Can you say mad as hell???

So now what?

Ron calls the ex and tells her that it's time to end things. She says she will sign what needs to be signed and wants money for her insurance every month. They agree and he fills out the paperwork and sends it to her. She doesn't like the time limit on the alimony. He says 5 years tops - she says 10. They finally agree on 10 and he sends the papers. Then she grows a set of balls and tells him rest of her life and ups the amount per month. To get what we want, she gets what she wants. She has us so over a barrel it isn't funny but let me say this, once we get this house, she's going to court.

So once those papers are in our hands tomorrow morning, we are going to get Ron's papers notarized and have the papers filed by 5 pm tomorrow. It should only take a week or 2 and that works because we have now moved the closing back to February 6th and this is the last move allowed!!

Somebody.....anybody.....say a prayer!